
Innova Logo

HE2 is proud to announce Innova will help support our automotive classes with their products and technology.

I have used their products for over 25 years.

Innova has the easiest, most intuitive multimeters on the market. I carry extra 3320 multimeters just to gift. (Yes, I really do.)

Their OBD2 code readers have functions for every level of auto enthusiast. I carry mine in the glove box and use it to pull codes when the CheckEngineLight (CEL) lights up. Along with the 3320 their tools have helped me save thousands of dollars.

So, when I reached out to Innova for help by requesting the 3320 multimeter and a basic OBD2 for class. Innova said they could do better and sent OBD2 code readers with much more functionality. Without hesitation they fulfilled my request in full and then some.

Thank you.